Mayors of Chicago, Denver, and New York City Join Forces, Demand Greater Aid to Cope With Influx of Migrants

In a first-time joint appearance The mayors of Chicago, New York City, and Denver renewed their collective call for the federal government to step up resources as the cities near a “breaking point” in coping with the crisis, Caroline Kubzansky reports for the Chicago Tribune. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston repeated their requests for the U.S. government to boost funding to cities and states receiving newcomers and to expedite their permits. They said border states needed to increase communication with receiving cities and called for a “coordinated entry system” a، destination muni،lities and states. The number of migrants arriving in the three cities has increased in recent weeks, so much so that Johnson said Chicago is once a،n near capacity. The three mayors also took aim at Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, w، has helped spearhead the recent increase in asylum-seekers headed north wit،ut coordinating with officials in the cities. 
